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Professional Homeopathy Training Course, Licentiate Award

The Professional Training Course comprises of 1 weekend a month, for 10 months a year, over 4 years (3 years if you have already completed the One Year Foundation course).

Dates for the current academic year 2024 - 2025:
(2024) Oct 12/13,  Nov 9/10,  Dec 14/15
(2025) Jan 11/12,  Feb 8/9,  March 8/9,  April 5/6, May 10/11, June 7/8,  July 5/6

Dates for the coming academic year 2025 - 2026:
(2025) Oct 11/12,  Nov 8/9,  Dec 6/7
(2026) Jan 10/11,  Feb 7/8,  March 7/8,  April 11/12, May 9/10, June 6/7,  July 4/5

Qualification gained: ‘Licentiate Award’ Certificate of Competence to Practice (recognised and accredited by Society of Homeopaths, and all other governing bodies).

Fee: £1,999/year*

Course overview

Different people have different ways of learning and assimilating. We try to offer a diverse system that combines self-assessment with traditional tests. This is to ensure that no student’s ability or weakness goes, as far as possible, undetected. Our aim is to provide a strong structure of assessment that does not impinge on the student learning process, or intimidate those who, while being potentially excellent homeopaths, are not necessarily brilliant at tests.

Each academic year is comprised of ten weekends, approximately one month apart. Weekends are supported by home study and students are required to study on an average of between 15-20 hours per week. In years one and two students will study Anatomy and Physiology and in years three and four, Pathology and Disease. 

1st year overview

The aim of the first year is to provide students with a solid understanding of the principles and philosophy of homeopathy, along with a working knowledge of the first aid remedies. A number of the most commonly indicated and used remedies will also be introduced. We believe it is vital that students understand the fundamentals of Homeopathy, enabling them to have a strong framework to support future learning and practice. You will also be asked to compile and maintain files on both philosophy and materia medica throughout the 4 years, which provides students with invaluable information and resource for future practice. Aside from Medical science assignments we do not formally assess students in the first year. First year work is assessed on an advisory basis only.

2nd year overview

The aim of the second year is to develop student’s theoretical knowledge and understanding of the principles of homeopathy, exploring more complex ideas on remedies and the disease process. A number of the major remedies in both acute and chronic work will be covered, ready to convert into more practical understanding and application in the third and fourth year clinic.

Case work will be introduced via paper and video cases.

There is an assessed materia media test, along with maintenance of all files the aim of which is to consolidate learning throughout the year. 

3rd year overview

This stage focuses more on the vocational aspects of being a practitioner. The 3rd year places emphasis on practitioner development and the art of taking and analysing a case. Third year students sit in on the active teaching clinic for observation and repertorisation. At this stage, we introduce different approaches to the theory and methodology of homeopathy. There is a greater emphasis on therapeutics and remedies that are useful for particular conditions such as heart problems, respiratory problems and other conditions. It is the aim of this year that on completion, students feel able to put into practice what they have learnt, and be ready to actively take cases in the supervised clinic in year4.

4th year overview

In this final year the focus is on amalgamating all theory and practice so far achieved, enabling students on completion to leave the college as competent and professional practitioners. The emphasis of this year is on the clinical training. Students take cases, analyse and prescribe in the teaching clinic. Theoretical work is centred on the clinic experience. The teaching clinic aims to provide students with a good working model, and looks at all areas of case taking and management, along with practice management. The clinic is run under supervision by Mike Bridger and Dion Tabrett clinic supervisor.

Licentiate qualification

On successful completion of the full four years you will be awarded a professional Licentiate of the Contemporary College of Homeopathy (LCCH). The Licentiate qualification is the industry recognized qualification permitting you to set up an immediate practice as a qualified Homeopathic practitioner upon graduation

The college and course is recognised by all the main registering bodies including The Society of Homeopaths, Alliance of Registered Homeopaths and the Homeopathic Medical association.

Practitioner development

Practitioner development is considered an essential aspect of homeopathic training.

To work successfully as a practitioner, students will need to develop many personal skills. These include the ability to listen objectively; to support another person through illness or emotional stress; to process painful and challenging material; to be conversant with ethical issues, along with many other considerations. Developing and using these skills requires a good level of self-awareness and self-knowledge.

In order to support patients effectively through a healing process, it is essential that students have engaged in a similar process themselves, either before or during training.

Apply now

For more information please contact us, or pop along to one of our open days.

* This includes the initial £199.00 deposit and the balance can be paid in either ten monthly instalments or three term instalments. Fees are reduced to £1950 if paid in full. It should be noted that annual fees will remain due should you choose to leave the course part way through a year.

Annual fees include all Medical Sciences course material as well as external marking costs but not textbooks. Students should note that they will be required to acquire additional textbooks throughout the course.

Any questions? Please get in touch

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